TOA II | Theory of Architecture II
TOA II - Template for proper theoretical research of movements II – additional script
TOA II - Template for proper theoretical research of names II – additional script
TOA II - Interactive library class – additional script
TOA II - Interactive movie class – additional script
Students were presented
Industrial Light & Magic
Lucasfilm's documentary movie
Creating the Impossible (2010)
How ILM revolutionised the way we see film the cousin of architecture.
Every Movie interactive lecture has two stages. First is actual watching of documentary and during that students must extract and write down ten meaningful statements. Submission is immediately after projection. Evaluation is about ability of student’s concentration, ability to understand deeper meanings, and capability of extraction meaningful contents in a very short and compressed shape. Second stage is presentation of ten statement on studio exhibition.
TOA II | Theory of Architecture II lectures
Charles Jencks's Evolving 'Evolutionary Trees'
Great graphical/textual representation of architectural movements’ complexities with representatives on the scale of time, social, economic and philosophical contexts
Interactive library lessons
TOA II Movements
TOA II Names
Object of critical observation
TOA II - we make our own books
Collection 2018
Books are selections of works on movements, names research by IV. year students 2017/2018.
This is internal school publication and it is supposed to be used as an example of student’s proper research on the mentioned topic which follows the main TOA II script. This only copy is archived in department office library. Entire internal publication series Collection 2018 includes: six parts of book I movements II, movie I and 3 parts of book II names II.