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TOA II general script

TOA II | Theory of Architecture II

TOA II | general script


How to make course Theory of Architecture II attractive, seducing roller-coaster of beauty, excitement and to achieve that students would gain forever overall orientation in this architectural jungle of TOA I and TOA II, distinct important from unimportant, knowing for good what is primary source, and never ever again mix history and theory of architecture.
To achieve all this script is designed as source of all movements and names (authors). Each student is assigned by 4 out of approx. 42 movements and 4 out of approx. 140 names. 1 week 1 movement or name. Every week winner’s present researches and knowledge is shared. Mandatory Readings, Discussions, Debates, Questions, Explorations texts, Critiques are done. What is certain that each student will do proper research at least about 4 movement and 4 names, and later can use on vast numbers of architectural theory cases.

Based on learning by doing academic principle.

PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students

TOA II - Template for proper theoretical research of movements II – additional script


How to properly do a theoretical research on movement II

PhD D Batista toa II_script template mov
PhD D Batista toa II_script template mov
PhD D Batista toa II_script template mov
PhD D Batista toa II_script template mov
PhD D Batista toa II_script template mov
PhD D Batista toa II_script template mov
TOA II names II

TOA II - Template for proper theoretical research of names II – additional script


How to properly do a theoretical research on names (authors) II

PhD D Batista toa II_script template nam
PhD D Batista toa II_script template nam
PhD D Batista toa II_script template nam
PhD D Batista toa II_script template nam
PhD D Batista toa II_script template nam
PhD D Batista toa II_script template nam
PhD D Batista toa II_script template nam

TOA II - Interactive library class – additional script


Students are encouraged to take a book more often into hands, they are thought how to start to like/love books by knowing how to choose a right one quickly). During interactive library visit, each student must recommend tree books to classmate, present own favourite book from library, and let know which 3 books by her/his selection are missing in this library? On library class students need to select one book from library shelves and extract publishing data from it. Both interactive classes are intentionally executed out of studio, in library itself.

TOA II - Interactive movie class – additional script


Documentary movie

How much does your building weigh, Mr. Foster, 2010.  

Every Movie interactive lecture has two stages. First is actual watching of documentary and during that students must extract and write down ten meaningful statements. Submission is immediately after projection. Evaluation is about ability of student’s concentration, ability to understand deeper meanings, and capability of extraction meaningful contents in a very short and compressed shape. Second stage is presentation of ten statement on studio exhibition.

TOA II 7q7a II

TOA II | Theory of Architecture II lectures

7 questions_7 answers II - check ignition

Check ignition task for Theory of Architecture, where students are tested about common knowledge in the fields of seven arts, but also from some fields of physical & basic sciences. Questions are text based and also pictures based.

PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students
PhD D Batista toa II_script for students

Critical inquiry II


Lecture gives explanation about the meaning of architectural expression, classification dis|agreement, value judgement through non-motivated purposes and motivated purposes. Critical inquiry II explores facts, fiction, and forecast about visual design principles, such as arrangement, balance, and contrast. Emphasis is on a values, judgements and truths about architectural syntax. All strictly on the e contents of Theories of Architecture II.

Interactive library lessons

The art of architectural magazines


This rich art & craft production with an astronomic speed of publishing in comparison with books, deserves taking about. African continent does not have (at least printed paper version) access to it and consequently awareness of this important giant.

PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in
PhD D Batista toa II_lecture critical in

TOA II Movements

TOA II Names

Brutalism in Yugoslavia

D Batista PhD former country was Yugoslavia. Lately more and more known about its socialist era modern architectural masterpieces, brutalism was its rich field of artistic and architectural expression. Beside brutalist buildings especially significant was production of monuments and memorial complexes. Yugoslavians brutalism excels in aesthetics and structural innovation. They were designed by Yugoslav architects and sculptors of the highest profile, such as Bogdan Bogdanović, Edvard Ravnikar, Vojin Bakić, Dušan Džamonja and many others.

TOA II - we

make our own books

Books are selections of works on movements, names research by IV. year students 2016/2017.

This is internal school publication and it is supposed to be used as an example of student’s proper research on the mentioned topic which follows the main TOA II script. This only copy is archived in department office library. Entire internal publication series Collection 2017 includes: six parts of book I movements, movie I and 3 parts of book II names.

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