SD II DM II | Science of Design II Design Methodology II _ part IV
Course | interactive scripts & lectures
The course is covering the process that leads to developed architectural/urban designs. It discusses new directions and methods, outlines the importance of both buildings (full space) and the open (empty space) spaces between them. In the course, advanced urban design techniques will be explained - for example: preparing implementation tools such as pattern books, form-based codes, and design guidelines to guide the development of projects throughout the life of construction; implementing contextual architectural design, including methods of designing culturally and environmentally appropriate buildings that reinforce the urban design intent within specific areas of the master plan. It outlines challenges posed by the unprecedented rate of urbanisation, particularly in the developing world.
SD II DM II part IV _
advanced architectural & urban design techniques
Urban design matrix, Definition of urban design In contrast of Definition of urban planning, Definition of pattern book, Definition of form-based codes, difference between topology and topography, Definition of Contour Lines, Definition of Contour Interval, Definition of Land use, Definition of Water-sensitive urban design (WSUD), Definition of green, Definition of form based codes, compare real situation on ground through satellite images and cadastre plan, MATRIX GRAPH, etc.
SD II DM II part IV _
urban design matrix
process technique 1
grid book | full space | empty space | topology
process technique 2
pattern book | land use
process technique 3
grid book | water
process technique 4
pattern book | air & green
process technique 5
form based codes
process technique 6
urban design matrix
example of
monitoring frames 1 - 7
SD II DM II part IV _
urban metabolism
guided student's research
SD II DM II part IV _
ecological footprint
guided student's research